view saying goodbye love poems

some saying goodbye love poems

I didn't get a chance to say goodbye
To you, to tell you that I loved you, to say
What now must be one long, unbroken cry
Of pain, now that at last you've gone away.
I cannot tell you what a joy it was
To be the one to tend you in your need.
The burden was a gift, for giving does
Not burden one who loves, though loving bleed.
I wish I could have been with you when you,
Perhaps aware, perhaps not, turned towards death
Alone, with no one there to wonder to,
To share your fear, your hand, your one last breath.
I wish, I wish, I wish . . . but it is done,
And now I must surrender what is gone.

I can't say goodbye

I tried to walk away
and i tried to move on with my life
but every time i got close to saying it
goodbye was the farthest thing from my mind

i laughed and had a good time
and the pain was slowly fading
but my heart was beating for you
and goodbye was never going to happen

i tried to live my life
with out missing you
but every time i said or hears something
you came back like a voice and i knew i couldn't live

i said this was the last time
i would speak to you again
but every time you said hello
goodbye couldn't be said

i guess i have to live with the fact
thats clear to everyone else
you are the only one who makes me smile
and i cant say goodbye to you

love is saying goodbye

it is the love that binded us together
but it is the hate that is breaking us apart
it hurts to know
but we try not to show
the feelings of wich we had
this poem was not meant to be sad
this poem was to show
how i took you up high
and i brought you down low
but now i know
love was just a figure of what i had
but it turned out to be bad
but before i die i just want to say goodbye